Thursday, September 22, 2011

A thought on potential

Micaiah is nearly 14 months old and is my youngest son. He's full of life and energy and his attitude is infectious. He emanates joy. He's scared, though. Scared to walk. In the grand scheme of things, it's not important that he walks immediately, however, I see the potential inside of him and want nothing more than for him to "let go."

Micaiah has possessed the necessary skills to be able to walk on his own for over 3 months. While holding on to our hands, the table or other movable and immovable objects he walks with precision and boldness. When he lets go, he suddenly sits or falls to his hands and knees. It's a perfect picture to how everyone handles the potential inside of them.

I know Micaiah can walk on his own, but he's not interested right now. And that's alright. If he would just let go while we're moving around the living room floor, he would see for himself that he can do it. For a 1-year old boy, there's no urgency, but for adults there is.

Has someone pointed out the potential that is inside of you and you're to scared to let go? Micaiah cannot see the potential in himself, but I can. Much the same, we may not be able to see the potential inside ourselves. We need others to speak to our potential. Micaiah cannot comprehend this, but you can. Let go and walk. Tap into the potential that rests inside of you.

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