Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Life as we know it (more like, life as I know it)

I have discovered that I really love writing. This blog has been a lot of fun. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and being transparent. Sometimes, it's nice to just write about life - what I'm doing. So, here's a quick catch-you-up-to-speed version of what's going on right now.

1. Life is good! My wife is amazing. I don't simply love her. I adore her. We have two little boys that bring us so much joy. I've always loved little kids, but I didn't know I was allowed to have this much fun as a parent.

2. Last summer I read the book Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick. I read it again this summer because we did a small group study on it. I can say, without reservation, that this is the best book I've ever read. It challenged my faith in God and has forced me to live out my faith with audacity. This includes being bold in what I do and how I pray. Warning: Acts 4:20 ("For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.").

3. I haven't worn flip-flops in over two years. I guess this is significant because it reveals that I'm actively participating in the wellness of my body (fyi: flip-flops are terrible for you). This is a tricky subject because I've always been an athlete, but now that I'm not an athlete, my body responds differently to many things, especially food. Two weeks ago, Isaiah told me there was a baby in my belly. Um, no! There isn't. However, my tummy isn't rock hard like it used to be (tear), so I've been moving in the direction of making better decisions regarding the wellness of my body. For the past three days, I've been a self-proclaimed vegetarian and I don't drink nearly as much Mountain Dew as I'd like to. Everyone warned me that my metabolism would slow down and I'm ashamed to say they were right (admitting I was wrong - ouch!).

4. I've grown up. A lot. I still think I'm a kid at heart, but I'm much more of a man everywhere else. Obviously, increased responsibilities as a business owner, parent, etc. have contributed to this. I also think realizing that "pride comes before a fall" is not just a convenient saying, it's a principal of life. As a result of understanding this the hard way, I make humility my life's greatest pursuit. I pray that God will allow me to be humble so he doesn't have to humble me. Humility is my top priority in my marriage, in my career path and in my walk with God.

5. Wrestling is still one of my greatest earthly passions. Without needing to explain myself much, I believe it is God's greatest tool for me to have a lasting and eternal impact on this planet with others. Wrestling is my ministry, however, there are times I dislike the culture of wrestling so much that I wouldn't mind having nothing to do with it ever again. There are a lot of ugly things in wrestling that make my skin crawl, especially watching "wrestling people" become the worst enemy of wrestling. Still, I know God has put me on this earth to be submersed in the wrestling culture. I'm placed here for a purpose, guided by a passion and EMPOWERED by the Spirit of God.

6. Social networking is pretty cool. I know there are still people, albeit very few, that are afraid of Facebook and Twitter. I love reconnecting with people and taking advantage of the opportunity to share my life with others. It's fun. It's also important from a business standpoint, which is why I started a Victory fan page and maintain a blog. It's also a great avenue for me to share little "nuggets" of Truth and represent Christ. Beyond that, though, it's fun. My kids are Facebook sensations. Almost daily someone tells me they watch my videos. I remember telling Liz (in our first year of marriage) that I loved her so much I wanted to share it with everyone. Now, it's the same with my kids and the rest of my life. Social networking allows me to share my life, and the things I love, with everyone!

7. Unsolicited advice: if I could tell you one thing in a few words and nothing else, I would say, "repent and love God." But, I get to tell you more than one thing, right? In fact, I'm probably in a position to tell you as many things as I'd like. It's my blog and you're reading it. Seriously, though, to be consistent with who I am and what I'm about, I would say, "do what it is that you were created to do." There are many layers to this statement and I'm dead set on this idea. We don't need you to be like anyone else. We don't need you to think like everyone else. We need you to be the man or woman you were created to be. It's extremely difficult in application, but very simplistic. Don't be afraid to be you. Don't strive for "normal." In case you haven't noticed, normal isn't working. Be unique. Be weird. Be great and be YOU. Embrace your individuality and change the world while doing it. What's inside of you that only you have is precisely what the world needs. You're the only YOU that will ever live.

1 comment:

  1. Chacos flip flops! My chiropractor (ex-wrestler) approved them! Been wearing them for 2 summers straight...
