Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Be that kind of man

Yesterday I wrote a blog about how young men need to treat women. It’s one of the best blogs I’ve written. Courteous courtship needs to be addressed and I received a lot of feedback indicating that we don’t discuss it enough. So, here I am with round two.

I painted a clear picture for our boys on how to treat women and almost immediately this morning, I came across the following Facebook status that impacted me in a variety of ways.

We need to teach our daughters the difference between a man who FLATTERS her, and a man who COMPLIMENTS her.

A man who SPENDS money on her, and a man who INVESTS in her.

A man who views her as PROPERTY and a man who views her PROPERLY.

A man who LUSTS after her and a man who LOVES her.

A man who believes he is God's gift to women, and a man who remembers a woman was God's gift to man.

And then teach our sons to be that kind of man

When I saw this post in my news feed, I “liked” it immediately. However, I was embarrassed to read the derogatory comments written moments after it was posted. Like vulchers, guys fed on the heartless and lifeless comments. They thought they were funny, but they instantly revealed how childish and foolish they are. They were nothing less than offensive and then to see individuals had liked the comments made me sick. I have zero tolerance for this type of behavior and these guys need to be exposed for the dirt bags they are.

Not surprisingly, a plethora of females liked the status and tried their best to show they didn’t appreciate the comments, but it only added fuel to the fire. There weren’t any men who had the courage to stand-up and tell these guys they were out of line, either. A woman was sharing her heart, telling the world what she truly desires, and guys mocked and disrespected her for it. This is utterly pathetic. Rhetorically speaking, how stupid can you be guys? Oh yeah, and in somewhat of a related note, most of those guys are single and not getting any closer to having a woman actually like them. Shocking, huh? If one of these guys had previously been successful in tricking a girl into liking him, I hope she dumped him today.

Clearly, daughters do need to learn these differences because, apparently, we can't trust men to know them or to take them seriously.

I didn’t want to share any of the inappropriate comments because I don’t want to glorify them or the idiot guys that posted/liked them; however, it’s important for everyone to know what we’re working with here and how far away from chivalry many are. We’re working with a lot of childish and chauvinist loser guys who also qualify as stupid. Below are a few comments I saw on Facebook and online in response to this quote. If they don’t make your skin crawl, YOU are part of the problem. If you’re not willing to stand-up to and rebuke individuals or groups who endorse the following statements, particularly if you’re a man, YOU are part of the problem.

•“Men want a woman that can make sandwiches and clean the kitchen…now that’s a woman that will get ‘love.’” Followed by, “don’t forget backrubs.”
•“Why can’t men be God’s gift to women?”
•“Fathers, you’ve have your daughters for 18 years, it’s our time now!”

Remember, this only a microcosm to what I saw in response to this quote. Most of the problem is that guys actually believe these things. They think they’re God’s gift to the world. However, another part of the problem is that there seems to be a lack of courage in others to be bold and stand-up for what’s right. I’d enjoy the opportunity to eliminate these losers from existence, but here’s my burden: I do have hope for them because they are still the image and glory of God according to 1 Corinthians 11:7. They have every ingredient needed to be real men; they just need accountability, direction and guidance. They might also need to get slapped in the face and be the subject of a public roasting before they come around. Actually, what they need might even be more severe than that. I just hope and pray that a sweet little girl wrestling with acceptance and self-image issues while becoming a woman doesn’t waste her time with him until he’s legitimately living out his potential as a man.

We do need to teach our daughters the difference. It has to start when our daughters are very young. We need to teach them that boys who push them down, pull their hair and hit them on the school playground do this because they’re mean, not because they like our daughters. We need to teach our sons the difference, as well.

To the men of Victory, stand-up and fight the good fight. With bold conviction, unswervingly tell those guys they’re wrong. Courageously stand out and be a man. Separate yourself from this behavior. It’s never cool to be chauvinist, even if you’re in the locker room or at your buddy’s house. I guarantee it won’t be easy and it will likely be unpopular, but it’s the right thing to do. It’s never wrong to do what’s right. Be the change you want to see in the world.

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