Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Burn the ships

One of the most important mental skills I work into the lives of athletes is eliminating the "back door." When push comes to shove, athletes who have given themselves a way out (back door), will take it. It's human nature - the path of least resistance. There are exceptional athletes who choose the path of most resistance in anticipation of growing and developing. Even still, if there's a back door option, inevitably, it will be taken at some point. How does one combat that notion? By leaving no option other than progress and success.

There is a popular urban legend about Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes that explains how he instructed his people to "burn the ships." There is little historical evidence to support that this actually took place, however, there is a great lesson that can be applied to our lives. The legend suggests that the only option left for Cortes and his people was to succeed.

In 1519, Cortes directed his 500-puls Spanish troops to burn their ships and everything on them before the siege of the Yucatan Peninsula in present-day Mexico. He was explicitly confident that they would win and take their enemies' vessels as prizes. If they were to return home, they needed to acquire new ships. He left no option for failure. He eliminated the possibility of running back to their own ships to flee difficult situations. There was no "back door." It was literally a win or die scenario.

One of the first steps in creating the ideal situation for success is to metaphorically burn the ships, or take away the option of backing out. When the pressure is heating up, many athletes begin addressing and focusing on small inconveniences, injuries and other issues. This generally happens when one cannot see themselves having the success they desire, so they create a way out to cope with the lack of success that they're now assuring for themselves. Before going for it, if our mind tells us it's because of a bad ankle, it's easier to justify not stretching for it. It's simply an out - a back door - and even the most talented and gifted athletes will take it if the option is in their mind.

Burn the ships! Rid your mind of the excuses you're stock piling for the future. Simply by creating space in your mind for them, you're essentially guaranteeing that you will use them. Eliminate them all together. Leave no option other than progress and success, as if your life depends on it.

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