Thursday, January 20, 2011

I believe in you

How does it feel to know that someone is in your corner - coaching you and cheering you on? I have the unique privilege to be in the corner, both figuratively and literally, of the lives of many great young men and women. It's incredible to witness first hand what they are capable of when I believe in them.

No matter where you are in life, you have the ability to speak greatness into the lives of those around you. Coaches and teammates play a significant role with athletes, but this post is a call to fathers. It is essential to the development and growth of your children that they know you believe in him/her.

In Mark 1:11, God said publically that he believed in His son. This is a critical part of the story of Jesus because this was moments before he began his ministry on Earth. In front of many others, God said to Jesus, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." How much do you think this public affirmation meant to Jesus?

It came just after Jesus was baptized. God was basically saying, "yeah, that's my boy!" Notice, He didn't affirm him after he won a game or scored a goal. God wasn't declaring his belief in His son after he made a lot of money or got good grades. It was after he was obedient in scripture and did something spiritual that God told him how happy he was.

Be sure to communicate with words when you believe in someone. Don't assume he/she knows. Make sure you're quick to notice standards of excellence and character rather than accomplishing goals because performance-based acceptance misses the mark. You need to be there win or lose and you need to believe he/she "has what it takes" to be a man or woman of the greatest integrity.

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