Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Where have all the fundamentals gone?

As I was listening to a radio program, the host mentioned that less than 25% of Americans support the direction that the United States is heading in. He didn't cite a source for the survey, but it got me thinking. He asked for individuals to call into the radio station and share opinions and ideas about what is "wrong" with our country.

I don't have time for people who complain without offering a solution or sharing ideas on how to make it better. 75% of Americans are upset with our country, but almost 100% of them won't do anything today or tomorrow to try to make things better. I want to be the change I expect to see in the world. I have no interest in taking part in the belly aching and believe most of our population doesn't deserve the privilege to complain because they're not willing to be part of the solution. You're either part of the problem or part of the solution.

Now, griping aside, I did consider the direction of the United States and instantly a few ideas came to my mind. I believe some of the most pressing issues include, but aren't limited to, no-fault divorce, an emphasis on self-esteem instead of self-respect, accountability, a lack of honor and humility and many others things. However, one of the most glaring problems with our country was represented in full-force tonight when I stumbled upon a youth baseball game.

We took a family walk tonight and stopped to watch two innings of a youth baseball game. It was a beautiful night, so it seemed like a terrific idea. Before I share my insight on this baseball game, I have to offer a disclaimer. I'm a coach and former athlete. I understand sport and believe it can be a metaphor for a life as well as a wonderful educational opportunity. I tend to be very critical of the process of youth sports. So, with all of that said, it was absolutely the worst baseball game I have ever witnessed!

Before you rake me through the coals, let me explain myself. I appreciate young people playing games and being active outdoors in the summer, but I think it's appropriate to demand higher standards even for 4th graders. These poor children had no clue how to play baseball. I don't have any knowledge as to how the system of youth baseball works in this community, but I am certain no one has taught these kids how to play the game. They couldn't throw or catch the ball and they couldn't swing the bat. I felt terrible for these children because adults have let them down. No one is teaching them. It's probably unfair to assume this, but they're probably too busy playing games to actually have practice because Mom, Dad and Coach think they need to play a ton of meaningless games to keep up the Joneses unbeknownst to them that the Joneses suck at baseball, too. There was no fundamental base at all. Poor kids.

I played youth baseball and recall a few basic skills that I learned at a very young age. Tonight, no one caught the ball with two hands (even warming up between innings) and no one got in front of ground balls. Luckily, though, there was hardly any bat to ball contact because there were very few swings that would pass as somewhat decent. Remember when you were a kid and the non-baseball playing dad even reminded you to keep your elbow up and eye on the ball? Yeah, none of that happened tonight.

I think this youth baseball game represents a lot of what is wrong with our country. We have grown bored with fundamentals. We don't take the time to learn what we're doing before we do it. Our focus is on the outcome. All I hear from public schools is the attention to testing scores, not the educational process. Youth sports are more about playing games than they are about practicing. We skip the basics so we can peak by Saturday every week.

It sounds like I'm being harsh on these little guys, but if you look deeply into what I'm saying, I'm not. I'm being harsh on the adults and on the system. They are failing the kids. The irony is that these youth baseball players are the ones held accountable for the shortsightedness of the parents and coaches. I'm not about to blame modern technology and Play Station/X-Box on the lack of baseball skills. No one is teaching them. I'm scared about the future because it appears as if our nation is apathetic, at best, to the basic foundations and fundamentals.

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