Thursday, January 14, 2010

Give others a reputation to uphold

As a wrestling coach, I'm constantly looking for ways to improve. Obviously, I attend a variety of coaches clinics/seminars, view many state, national and international competitions and actively "pick the brain" of many other respected coaches to better equip myself to demonstrate wrestling techniques and strategies. In addition, I have sought out many resources to make me a better communicator and leader, among other things.

John C. Maxwell has become a staple in my development as a coach, leader and man. His most recognized book is the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Last year, we focused on one leadership law for 21 straight practices. My athletes learned a lot about themselves and their leadership qualities. It was extremely beneficial and very rewarding.

So, it comes as no surprise that I am being impacted by another one of Maxwell's books, 25 Ways to Win With People: How to Make Others Feel Like a Million Bucks (with Les Parrott). The book is well written, of course, and each chapter focuses on an individual way to "win with others." Chapter 6 resonated with me very well.

Give others a reputation to uphold.

To help inspire and motivate others to be successful, the authors encourage us to ask what is special or unique about each person you come in contact with. Think the best of them and you'll have an opportunity to influence them. Help them strive for something beyond their reach, but within their grasp so they will "play proud."

People perform consistently to how they're expected to. If you have a high opinion of people, you'll see people to great things. While working with others, great leaders have the ability to look past their pasts and give them a reputation for the futures.

As a leader, you need to see and speak to potential. Dig deep and find out what's unique about a person. Put an emphasis on affirmation and watch them become great. You'll witness lives being changed.

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