Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Find your sweet great!

As a coach, I find myself having deep discussions with athletes about athletics and how they can relate to life. I make it my mission to build into the lives of my athletes and help them make decisions that will have a positive impact on them forever. Recently, my influence has overflowed into former or non-athletes. It's very exciting.

I believe that everyone is created with uniqueness and distinction for greatness! It's our responsibility as men and women to find our niche. We need to understand our strengths and abilities and change the world with what we have. I think of it like finding your very own "sweet spot" in life and successfully doing what we were put on this earth to do. That's different for everyone.

To be fully alive, we must find what we're created for and strive to be great at it. You're the only you that will ever live. If you don't do what you're created to do, the world very well may miss out on what it is that you have to offer. It's a big responsibility and humanity is counting on you. God wants to use you and He's equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your destiny.

I like using an analogy I remember from a sermon by Erwin McManus. He talked about how great Michael Jordan was as a basketball player--probably the best of all-time. He won championships, displayed sound character on and off the court and changed the game of basketball. As a basketball player, he was (and still is) the greatest.

Now, memories of Michael Jordan playing basketball are awesome, but do you remember him playing baseball? It was almost comical, wasn't it? What I find interesting about Michael Jordan playing baseball is that he was still better at that than 99% of the human population. He played triple-A for the Chicago White Sox and hit a measly .202, but stole 30 bases in just over 100 games. Michael Jordan was a very good baseball player, but not great.

Too often, I see individuals settle for being their own version of Michael Jordan playing baseball when they have the potential to be their own Michael Jordan playing basketball.

Be bold. Be confident. Do what you were created to do and be great!

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