Sunday, November 22, 2009

The condition of youth sports...let's go

I have written two blogs about my philosophy on coaching youth wrestling and have received a lot of positive feedback from athletes, coaches and parents. I've been very pleased by how many people agree that youth sports needs immediate attention and a general make-over as soon as possible. We need everyone to embrace healthy perspectives.

Obviously, I look at youth sports through the eyes of a wrestling coach. Many of the hurdles that we face are similar in other sports. This has motivated me to write a new "blog series" addressing the major issues that our society and culture faces in regards to youth sports (particularly, youth wrestling). I will attempt to outline a few of the major problems and offer suggestions on how to better serve the needs of our youth.

I'm embarking on this adventure much like a crusade. I'd like this to be a catalyst for change in the wrestling community as I confront these issues head-on. I've met too many parents who have children walk away from sports because of these issues. With your help, we can change the culture. It may seem impossible with all of the voices, all of the inertia and all of the counter productive momentum pushing in the wrong direction, but together we can do it.

I'm asking my readers, as large or small as the following is, to engage in difficult discussions with other members of your club and community. I'm also interested in what you have to say about these issues, so feel free to comment below or send me an e-mail. If you have an issue that I don't address but would like me to, please let me know and I'll be more than happy to offer my two cents.

It is possible to uphold new standards of excellence and expect the best from our parents and coaches so that we can do what's BEST for our future generations. I believe we can change the culture of youth sports in America and I'm looking forward to this challenge. It's not too late to get it right and it's never wrong to do what right! Let's go!

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